Remembering Those Who Fought - World War I (1914 - 1918)

Chester War MemorialIn Chester there is a statue of a Nova Scotia Highland Soldier.  It was constructed in memory of 54 men who laid down their lives from this area in World War I, it was put up on August 4, 1922.

Visit the Chester War Monument (by the Lido).
At the monument:
1.  Write down 10 names of fallen soldiers.
2.  Make 1 crayon rubbing of some names.
3.  Take a few pictures to be put into a project later on.

1. Go to Veterans Canada
2.  Search for information using the last name (Surname) of one of your soliders, and then the first name.
3.  Click on the last name link.
4.  Record on your chart the birth date, parent names, and hometown.
5.  What year did he die, figure out old he was.